On Omad, it can be beneficial to incorporate foods into our one meal a day that can aid in hunger and make us feel fuller for longer periods of time.
Eating High Protein Vegetables can be an easy and great way to achieve this.
How does eating high protein suppress the appetite?
The food you consume is modulated with mu-opioid receptors that can be found on walls in the portal vein. The portal vein is a blood vessel that is responsible for draining blood from your gut.
Food modulation is known as a process in which the body signals to the brain that you just have digested food. The way the food is modulated is going to determine how full that food will make you feel.
Scientists have found in a recent Cell study that products in digested protein will actually block these receptors (mu-opioid) that results in curing your appetite.
The protein created peptides then send a signal to the brain and are signaled back to the stomach. The stomach will then stimulate a release of glucose, which will result in a suppression of appetite or desire to eat.
More Benefits of Eating High Protein Vegetables with Omad
- It offers a great way to diversify food into your diet. You might be growing tired of the same old types of food in your one meal.
- It allows you to get enough protein without being confined to the usual food group.
- The flexibility. It can either be the main course of your once a day meal or even just a side dish to complement other nutritious food.
- It can make your one meal a lot healthier.
High Protein Vegetables

This edible flowering plant is a pretty well-known vegetable mainly because it was used by a well-loved cartoon character back in the days.
You know, that lovable sailor with a big anchor tattoo on his forearms? The one who usually fills his day battling it out with Brutus and saving Olive Oyl? Yes, that is Popeye and not the chicken.
What is amazing with that comic strip is that when he finds himself in a pickle (not the vegetable though it also has proteins in it), he would munch on spinach to get the energy he needs to win any fight.
It helped associate spinach with energy as it packs protein in it. This is also a great source of other vitamins and minerals. It also has antioxidants that protect you from free radicals.

This is another great example of high protein vegetables that you can include in your OMAD diet.
Fresh or frozen, peas can be a great addition to almost any meal. Throwing them into a salad or serving as a side dish to chicken or pasta can give you not only protein but Thiamin, phosphorous, vitamin A, vitamin C, and iron too.

You can put broccoli in soups, salads or even prepare it steamed. This vegetable is also rich in fiber, vitamin K, and vitamin C. One great thing about this vegetable is it contains a healthy amount of folate which great for fighting some types of cancer.

Fresh Green Kale
Often found in smoothies, it can also be included in salads and even casseroles all for the sake of getting that protein into your body. Though it does take some getting used to because it has a bit of bitter tangy flavor to it – regardless if it is cooked or taken raw.

When you talk about high protein vegetables, mushrooms should be a part of that conversation. Apart from the protein you get, you also get to enjoy immune boosting characteristics of mushrooms. They sometimes work best with organic eggs to complement any main course.

Steamed, roasted, or even blended, this vegetable is rich in protein that it helps you feel full longer. Being one of the most versatile vegetables has made it a staple in most diet programs and even considered by ancients as having a lot of health benefits according to WebMD.

Apart from being rich in protein, asparagus also has fiber which helps you feel full longer.
It is also the main source of vitamin K and even some antioxidants. This is also a diuretic which helps you expel more water and salt from your body through your urine and help manage blood pressure and other conditions.

Eaten straight from the cob, frozen or even canned kernels, corn packs a solid punch when it comes to your protein needs. It is also high in fiber helping you get a healthier digestive system.

Edamame or boiled green soybeans is one of the high protein vegetables. It can be paired up with other protein dishes.

Soy Beans
This is one of only two complete plant proteins (the other being quinoa).
A good serving of about 28 grams soybeans can give you the equivalent of a protein in 150 grams of chicken. That should be enough to convince you that fiber and fatty acids in soybeans can promote digestive and cardiovascular health.