Training Equipment

The choices here are endless. You can get training equipment that is expensive or cheap. It is important to note that you can train without any equipment. You can train just using your body and that's enough. However you can get equipment as cheap as a skipping rope. I was watching a you tube video the other day of someone who lost weight just by skipping for half an hour everyday. You can get resistance bands which are cheap and have such functionality because you can do different exercises with them.
I agree. Most people I see that buy expensive and bulky equipment usually only end up leaving the equipment to collect dust and serve as decoration. It's why I personally have always preferred just to rely on exercises that don't require bulky equipment because I've already learned this lesson from seeing it happen to friends and family. Not only do they end up with a big mess around the house that's hard to dispose of but also it's tough to think about how much they spent on that equipment just to eventually ignore it completely.
You know I strongly believe that unless you want to undergo some heavy workouts then the need for equipment is a non-issue. You can simply use things at the house like Stool for a bench to do situps. This is atleast what I do any way and a majority of the exercises I do have little use Of any equipment.
You don't have to spend too much on exercise equipments. You can just improvise or recycle. An example of this is filling two 6 litter bottle with cement and connect both with a metal bar. The you'll have a barbel without spending too much. You can also just buy a yoga mat where you can just lay it off the ground and start exercising. There are a lot of exercises with just a yogat mat.
I think dumbbell is enough. The dumbbell is good equipment for workouts inside your room. Bike also is a good workouts equipment and will develop your cardio and at the same time, you will enjoy the environment outside.

I have always avoided large bulky exercise equipment. But I did like the dumbbell and weights, and a jump rope.
I have always avoided large bulky exercise equipment. But I did like the dumbbell and weights, and a jump rope.
I think the dumbell would also be appropriate for me since I am used to having non-equipment workouts. I can add it to my roster due to its simplicity both in usage and storage. However I do not know what to do to keep increasing tge wait as I cannot possibly purchase additional weights all the time.