The fluidity bar and the firm

Does anyone own the Fluidity Exercise Bar and and The Firm Sculpting Systems? And if you do own them do you use both types of workouts in your rotation? If so, please tell me what type of rotation you do. Listed below is a an example of a rotation I do:
Monday: 30 mins of cardio & beginner Fluidity workout
Tuesday: Cardio Overdrive (from the most current Firm Sulpting System)
Wednesday: 30 mins of cardio & intermediate Fluidity workout
Thursday: Cardio Party (from the most current Firm Sulpting System)
Friday: Hard Core Fusion (from the most current Firm Sulpting System)
Saturday: Hi Def Scuplt (from the most current Firm Sulpting System)
Sunday: supposed to rest, but I can't bring myself to do that so I do whatever workout tape I feel like doing