Is there a level of exercise and training that is unhealthy.

I believe that there are people who end up becoming obsessed with training and exercise. They end up doing risky things that could harm their body. Some people engage in acts that take them to the edge of their abilities. Do you hold the same beliefs?
Definitely there are exercises and trainings that are dangerous especially if you do not really know much about it. In fact doctors will ask you to seek their advice whenever you will embark on some exercise, whether light or heavy. On thing I know is that the best exercises would be the natural ones like walking, swimming, and stretching. These exercises a body friendly because it has low intensity impact on our body. Strenous exercises like zumba and marathon run are not advisable always.
One camera man in the local movies suffered a torn quadriceps. He is overweight and maybe his workout was too strenuous for his body that caused the injury. The doctor placed a brace and he was not allowed to walk for a 2 weeks to let the injury heal. The advice is to do a proper warm up before doing the workout so that your body will acclimatize to the physical exertion gradually. If the workout is sudden then expect something bad.
I think if you are being monitored by professionals such as the case for fighters and boxers then you are safer even if you are way more active than the average human needs to be. However, those that aren't might risk making long term damages to certain areas of their bodies without knowing it especially if they are doing exercises with improper form or are just doing too much of some repetitive movements that may be harmful to weaker areas of the body.
I have this friend who teaches Physical Education in a university. He told us that whenever we exercise, we should balance frequency and intensity. When you increase the frequency of your exercise, or if you exercise often, you should decrease the intensity. Vice versa. If you exercise less often, then you should increase the intensity. If you will exercise often with high intensity, that will lead to over exercising and it's not good for us.
There are exercises which requires a lot of training before doing such activities because without proper training, it could give your body a shock that could be dangerous to your health. When I enrolled at a gym, my instructor told us that before we could lift weights, we should tone and ready our muscles and mind first. Too much exercise could lead a person to fatigue because of doing such tremendous activity that his body wasn't prepared of. Also, avoid doing too many exercises, limit yourself unto the point in which your body can. Slowly, you can add up more time and more exercise to your routine, you just have to let your body adjust.
Indeed there is a level of training and exercise that it very unhealthy. As the popular saying goes, "Observe everything in MODERATION." It means that anything is too much and too little is bad.
Too much exercise is bad for your body because our body is not built to last. Over exercising can result to wear and tear. I have heard some people who experienced torned muscle injuries and broken bones because they exercise too much combined with the wrong training and procedure.
I think before starting an exercise or training you should first consult a professional. Asking someone who is more knowledgeable in this field will help you to prevent over tiredness of the body. Professional will recommend you the right level of exercise and training in a day. You should be only doing an exercises and trainig that is appropriate to your own body type.
The technique is really to start it easy and then increase in difficulty so that our body will not be shocked or jolted. In walking for example we can start with a 15-20 minute walks first before going for the hour-long walks. In stsationary biking we can set it at 15 minutes before going for longer time set ups. But they also say that the best walking suited for man is really brisk walking. There is no danger because our bp also rises and falls slowly. I believe the same thing is true for swimming.
I think those excessive and hardcore exercise are unhealthy especially to those who do it beyond thier body limits. Our body has it's limitation not only in exercising but also in everything we do. We should know our limit to avoid being torn by our obsession and greed. Enough is enough.
Yes. I think that there are definitely exercises that is not good for the body. Every exercise should be done with the state of our body in mind. Some exercise is what is required for someone but not for you. If your body is not use to exercise you should always start with light exercise and not force yourself to go directly to the hardcore. This will definitely strain the body. Every exercise should be done in moderation. Too much is not good.
They said "No pain, no gain". However, this perception is not totally applicable for exercise. When exercising and you feel too much pain, there's a possibility that it's not appropriate for your body. Try to listen to your body and don't just take it for granted. Our desire to be physically fit might turned out to be the total opposite. We might injured ourselves. We could start from the easiest form of workouts to hardest. But then again, let's not force ourselves because what is good for others might be bad for us. We could also consult professional trainers to teach us the proper way of exercise.
I think there is. I think you can exercise to the point that it becomes counter-productive to your goals of weight loss. I think they are people who exercise for 2 hours a day or more. If you do this I think you get very hungry and end up eating more and more. In my opinion what you eat is the most important thing. You can loose weight by cutting what you eat, you can't loose weight by only working out and eating how you normally eat. Exercise is good for you. However I would not recommend more then 1 hour a day and I would recommend you not do it 7 days a week,take some time to rest your muscles.
I think there is. I think you can exercise to the point that it becomes counter-productive to your goals of weight loss. I think they are people who exercise for 2 hours a day or more. If you do this I think you get very hungry and end up eating more and more. In my opinion what you eat is the most important thing. You can loose weight by cutting what you eat, you can't loose weight by only working out and eating how you normally eat. Exercise is good for you. However I would not recommend more then 1 hour a day and I would recommend you not do it 7 days a week,take some time to rest your muscles.
For me, it is all right if you exercise too much and the effect is that you will be eating more than your usual quota of food. What’s wrong is when your muscles become sore and very painful that you will be in bed on the next day for a forced respite. There is one popular athlete here who goes to the gym every day and spends 3 to 4 hours for his workout. He’s got a nice body for a 70-year old former professional basketball player. But think of the time that he spends in the gym, that’s already overdoing it.
Everything done excessively would have a negative effect and as such moderation must always being applied,same is applicable to excess exercising it will come with sores,injuries or bodily pains.So to avoid this one can start with warming up exercises for some minutes before processing to actual workout.wearing proper workout attire can help during exercising,it good to add some strength training for endurance but most importantly it good to listen to yourself so as to rest and recover better.