How was your sleep?

I always try to sleep before midnight so that I can also wake up early and not feel too tired, since I used to have a really bad habit of staying up until about 4 or 5 in the morning and it really affected my productivity during the day.

Unlike you I regularly go to sleep at around 5 am and sleep until 9am. Sometimes, I stay awake until 12noon and sleep for 3 hours until 3pm or 4pm.
Sleeping has never come easy to me for most of my life. I've always been plagued by anxiety, and as a result getting to sleep has always been difficult, even when I was incredibly tired.

Sleep medication never really worked for me, as all that ended up happening was I'd stay awake in a state of incredible drowsiness. Anti-anxiety medications such as Xanax or Valium helped a lot, but they're physically and psychologically addictive, and as someone with an already addictive personality, they obviously weren't the best choice for me.

It took a drastic change in lifestyle before I started sleeping better. My day has to consist of achieving things that make me feel content and secure in life, and that is the only way I get good sleep. A lot of my friends would say "You don't have to work so hard, just don't worry about it" but sadly that doesn't work for me. I can't just "not worry" as it is simply part of my psychology. My only options are medication, or working to better myself.
I make it a point to sleep before midnight for health reasons. I need to have energy for the next day and I don't want to deny my body that much needed sleep for the night at least 6 -7 hours daily plus an hour of nap during the day. Sleep is such a Godsend for mankind because it's the time when we can forget about any troubles and sleep it out. The only problem is if we lose sleep over some concerns, which should really be avoided.
I always sleep late because I am used to sleep that way. I am trying to changed it because it can cause me sickness. Sometimes, if I have the time, I sleep in the afternoon but that is nothing compared on the sleep in the evening.
I don't know why but I have this bad habit of fighting sleepiness. Even if I feel really sleepy at night, I always try to get rid of my sleepiness. I don't know why. It's really annoying.
I sleep off as immediately as I hit the sack.I have never had insomnia because I love to sleep a lot and this helps to refreshed me daily
When I'm tired, I always sleep fast. But if not, I tend to sleep late. I don't really know if that's insomnia already since it doesn't happen a lot. Maybe I have to work out before sleeping.
All people who know me envy me because I fall asleep in a minute or two after I touch the pillow, I fall asleep very easy and this is good for me.
I am a late nighsleeper. I always had difficulty sleeping early eversince. Anyway, I don't see any problem with this for me becaus I make sure I get enough hour of sleep in the morning. One advantage it gives me is that it seem easy working on graveyard shifts when I worked on a call center.
The only problem is that I envy those people who lays early at nights and fell asleep within 5 minutes.
It depends. If the place I'm sleeping in is incredibly comfortable, I'd easily fall asleep. But if it's hot and noisy, it would be very difficult for me. I don't like sleeping because I'm tired. I like to sleep at right time of my own choosing.
I always try to sleep before midnight so that I can also wake up early and not feel too tired, since I used to have a really bad habit of staying up until about 4 or 5 in the morning and it really affected my productivity during the day.

I can relate. It's not easy to go to sleep if you're not sleepy. My secret is to relax for about an hour so that I can get to a sleepy state of mind. Most of us try to rush sleeping. It's not like flicking a switch.
Unlike you I regularly go to sleep at around 5 am and sleep until 9am. Sometimes, I stay awake until 12noon and sleep for 3 hours until 3pm or 4pm.

That's kind of hard. I've heard other people feel tired due to irregular sleeping patterns. I guess some just get used to it. Though, I'd prefer having a normal sleeping schedule.
Im a kind person who can sleep anytime. I just love sleeping and this is my favorite thing to do. If I really have nothing to do. But somehow oversleeping is kinda bad for our health if its to much.
On normal conditions, I always sleep easily and it has been wonderful for me as that is the only way that I can enjoy a healthy lifestyle. Sleeping is just necessary especially when we are talking about having great days.
I am trying to sleep again late to maximize my time of the day. But my body can't stand the sleepy feeling. I think I am not the same just like when my childhood, sleeping late and waking up late.
Im a kind person who can sleep anytime. I just love sleeping and this is my favorite thing to do. If I really have nothing to do. But somehow oversleeping is kinda bad for our health if its to much.

Sleeping is also something that I enjoy doing. I have got to that point where I can sleep without worrying so much about the challenges of life. It is all about understanding the important of sleeping.
Sleeping is also something that I enjoy doing. I have got to that point where I can sleep without worrying so much about the challenges of life. It is all about understanding the important of sleeping.

There is no one who hate sleeping right? Why will hate the most enjoying and relaxing thing to do on earth. he he.
I would really like to sleep at night, I've tried thousands of time but I don't know why i can't seem to sleep between 6PM-4AM. Whatever I do, even if I'm feeling exhausted, I still can't sleep. I don't like taking sleeping medication because it has side effects so up until now I'm waiting for 4AM to get some shuteye, it's almost automatic, whenever the clock is at 4AM, somehow I fall asleep.