Which Routine should I use?

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The question is how far can you go in a day with working out? Remember that consistency matters most in getting the best out of your exercises.

Also find out the best time for you to exercise - it could be either in the morning or evening time. Your schedule would help you decide what time would be best for you.

Start out with stretching, warn up, legs drills, sit up, press up, crunches, squats, mountain climbing, wall sit and light weight lifting.
Simple exercise to lose weight is running. You don't need anything just yourself. And most of all it can be done by all because it is so simple. It helps our body to maintain a good health while losing your weight.
There are cheap equipment that you can buy to work out on your own at home even without having to visit a gym. A skipping rope and light weights are just examples of such equipment which you can use alone and easily build up a routine depending on the period that you set for working out.
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