Omad protein question

I have been fasting for over 7 years. Usually 1 or 2 24h fast a week and many times eating in 16/8 window. Recently I decided to simplify things and go with omad. Here are few questions regarding the food eaten. 1 hour is extremely difficult to eat all the calories so I usually keep it at 1-2h. Is that ok?
I start with fruits, wait 30min and then I move to bigger meal which contains lots of veggies some protein and some carbs like quinoa,sweet potatoes.
I eat around 1400-1600 a day. There is no way I can eat more unless I want to throw up. All my calories come from fresh foods which I prepare myself. No processed foods at all.

I workout around 2pm and I don’t eat until 7pm. Is that ok? Am I missing on so called protein window or it does not matter?


Jimmy Swartz

Staff member
I have been fasting for over 7 years. Usually 1 or 2 24h fast a week and many times eating in 16/8 window. Recently I decided to simplify things and go with omad. Here are few questions regarding the food eaten. 1 hour is extremely difficult to eat all the calories so I usually keep it at 1-2h. Is that ok?
I start with fruits, wait 30min and then I move to bigger meal which contains lots of veggies some protein and some carbs like quinoa,sweet potatoes.
I eat around 1400-1600 a day. There is no way I can eat more unless I want to throw up. All my calories come from fresh foods which I prepare myself. No processed foods at all.

I workout around 2pm and I don’t eat until 7pm. Is that ok? Am I missing on so called protein window or it does not matter?



Thanks for writing. When I wrote about the "4 ones rule" in this article I did so because it was a "Structured and disciplined way of eating that worked for me" I feel for most, keeping your meal time to within an hour helps to prohibit things like overeating, etc. With this being said, the most important aspect of omad is consistency along with structure and discipline.
If you feel that you can control yourself within a 2 hour eating time, that is the most important factor here. Most people will end up eating more than 1 meal in a 2-hour timeframe and that is why I would never recommend it.
However, as mentioned, if you have the discipline and it is working for you without overeating (and you continue to lose weight) then by no means would I tell you to stop doing it.
All of the information on this website is everything that has worked for me and I'm always willing to help. However, that doesn't mean that my way is the only way. I'm always here to help anyone. In the end, if you are achieving your goals, then that is all that matters.

Thanks for writing. When I wrote about the "4 ones rule" in this article I did so because it was a "Structured and disciplined way of eating that worked for me" I feel for most, keeping your meal time to within an hour helps to prohibit things like overeating, etc. With this being said, the most important aspect of omad is consistency along with structure and discipline.
If you feel that you can control yourself within a 2 hour eating time, that is the most important factor here. Most people will end up eating more than 1 meal in a 2-hour timeframe and that is why I would never recommend it.
However, as mentioned, if you have the discipline and it is working for you without overeating (and you continue to lose weight) then by no means would I tell you to stop doing it.
All of the information on this website is everything that has worked for me and I'm always willing to help. However, that doesn't mean that my way is the only way. I'm always here to help anyone. In the end, if you are achieving your goals, then that is all that matters.

Hard part is that my eyes look very tired as there is not much fat there and it became worse omad.
Do people generally start to look better after some time on the omad diet. Does skin gets more tight or once you get lean you will have bags under the eyes?
I am 6.1 and I weight 165-170.
I mostly train calastenics style.
This discussion is interesting because I am also thinking about the look and appearance when you are on OMAD for a week. Will my skin loosen because of the lost weight? Definitely my aura will be great because of the confidence that I have in my resolve to lose weight. I am encouraged more by this kind of discussion.