How OMAD change your eating habbit?

I was so reckless before I just eat what I want to eat. And ofcourse I don't eat vegetables if there is meat in front of me. And remember I always having soda everyday like I can finish 1liter a day. That is so unhealthy I never care about my body. But now I learned to to take care of my body to have a healthy living lifestyle that made me proud for myself.
I agree that I was also reckless before when it came to eating. It was basically a case of “if I like the taste of it, I’ll eat it”. I don’t have the metabolism of a teenager anymore so I was definitely noticing the effects of eating like that! I’m so much more in control now and I make better eating choices.
It changed my eating habits a lot. I was once a binge eater. I always indulge to stress eating. That's why I had a hard time when I started OMAD. I got used to it after some time. Now I am very happy that I have heathier eating habits.
OMAD is a life changing experience and even when you are in the maintaining stage you still gain benefits from it specially when your body is used to the diet behavior. You will be more careful in what you eat because you have felt the difference and benefits.
I feel the same way. Eating once a day has made me a lot more observant with what I am eating and also what I used to eat and how much. I'd say this lifestyle has completely changed my outlook and even on days when I can't stick to the program I always end up feeling guilty and want to return back to OMAD as soon as possible because it just feels much better for me.
Before I started Omad, I was too reckless too. But after a year of doing Omad, I change a lot. Not only physical but also my eating habbit and attitude. I developed self-decipline in eating. I'm more conscious now than before.
OMAD will always changed ones eating pattern especially if you're really serious with the diet.I can remember my love for soda,taking dessert and snacks in between meals and snacking on the go.But it very different thing for me now.
My eating habit is the reason why I couldn’t indulge in full OMAD. I try it for a day or 2 and then go back to my usual eating habit because of my grumbling stomach. I am afraid that I will develop acid reflux because that is the symptom that my husband had experienced. But when I go full OMAD I know that I cannot eat junk food anymore. That is also one issue that I have to resolve.