Eating Seafood in Omad

Some of the seafood suggestions in OMAD are Salmon, Sardine, Tuna and Shrimp. I've tried eating Tuna and Salmon for two days and I felt weak than eating Chicken, Pork or Beef. I think it's because sea foods are easily digested than other animal meats.
We had seafood for lunch last weekend. It was just crabs that we cooked in coconut milk. You see, it is a simple meal but I love crabs and I had to get a second serving of rice. I skipped the afternoon snack and when dinner time came, I still felt that I was not hungry so I decided to skip dinner. I think it’s not really the crabs but more of the rice that made me full. I repeated that the other day and again I was able to skip dinner.
I love salmon but I do feel that it does leave me feeling lighter than some other meats. When I have salmon I try and ensure I eat some other healthy fats with my meal (avocado is a big favorite!) and that seems to keep me going.
We had seafood for lunch last weekend. It was just crabs that we cooked in coconut milk. You see, it is a simple meal but I love crabs and I had to get a second serving of rice. I skipped the afternoon snack and when dinner time came, I still felt that I was not hungry so I decided to skip dinner. I think it’s not really the crabs but more of the rice that made me full. I repeated that the other day and again I was able to skip dinner.
You can opt to eat seafoods only during OMAD diet but I suggest you to transistion gradually so that it will be easier Try not to suddenly shift from one kind of food to another so that your body will not be shocked for the sudden change.
If your not used to eating Salmon, Sardine, Tuna and Shrimp as a meal, try to shift gradually so that your body can adjust to what you consume. If you are used to eating meat you may try a combination first before shifting to all fish meal.
I’ve been eating pretty much nothing but fish and vegetable soup for the past couple of weeks and I’ve honestly never felt better. I don’t feel any weakness or anything like that.

A lot of it has to do with what you’re eating with your fish. I’ve found that if I include foods that are dense in carbohydrates—like rice or fried potatoes—with my meal, then I’ll feel weak later on during the day. This is because carbohydrates trigger an insulin response in your body that raises your blood sugar. Afterwards, your blood sugar drops to lower than normal levels which results in you feeling weak.

If I eat just the fish and other foods that are low in carbohydrates, I find that not only do I not have any weakness but I also don’t feel as hungry throughout the day.
I like to eat seafood but only once a month, I do prefer beef, chicken, and pork that is my favorite. I can't eat seafood often because it makes me sick.
I like to eat seafood but only once a month, I do prefer beef, chicken, and pork that is my favorite. I can't eat seafood often because it makes me sick.
If only, I am not allergic to seasfood, maybe I would always include it to my diet. But as of now, I stick with fruits, vegetables, nuts and chicken breast.
I agree that seafood is not necessarily that filling. That is because it is really low on fat and I think would suit more a low fat diet.When on OMAD I eat low carb so I eat high to moderate protein . I eat mostly beef and chicken. I believe this keeps me filled till the next day, especially beef. If I have tuna in part of a salad, I make sure to have avacado slices and mayo which are both high in fat and which keep me full till the next day. However I believe seafood is good for you so it is good to find a way to incorporate it in OMAD.