Day 5 still alive, kind of

So let's start with the good... Day 5 and I am down 7.2 pounds!! This excites me and scares me at that same time because I heard and expect that at some point there will be a slow down. I am trying to mentally prepare myself for the days I will want to stop because the scale is not moving. Being able to trust the process when I cannot see the process does not work for my Libra mentality. I've heard to rely on non-scale victories during the slow down to refer to pictures for transformations and to accept being able to walk up the stairs without being winded to be my progress. I will try to remember this as I continue on in my journey... Today is the first day I have had a headache. It's not horrible but I can feel it right on the side on my temple. I can;t say if it is due to OMAD; I'm on my cycle and I have a sensitivity to freon and had my AC on full blast this morning. I'm going to push through the headache because again it isn't so bad. What's really on my mind this morning of day 5 is how to incorporate weight training and more exercise. I'm not confident that walking will be enough and I've heard that it is better to focus on weight training over cardio when it comes to OMAD. I know there is so much information out there and that everyone swears by this or swears by that... It is a little complicated to know what is best for me so early in my OMAD journey. For accountability I will share that I will complete kettle bell exercises at least 2x a week. There! I said it now I have to stick with it. The other days I will go walking, dance to music, or jog up and down my stairs a few times.
So if anyone go through to the end of this, could you tell me what types of exercise you found most effective for your goals, whether toning or weight loss? I'd love to hear.

Happy Fasting!
@Dani Reese someone awhile back pointed me to this article This is something called HIIT. I've been doing this for the past month and I feel great. It took a few weeks of following this routine every other day to start to feel the effects. I feel much more energetic and and it has actually made me better mentally. I would sit around my house a lot of times, but since I started this I feel like I always want to be doing something. HIIT is not for everyone, but I just kept hearing about how many people were doing it and seeing results from
@Dani Reese someone awhile back pointed me to this article This is something called HIIT. I've been doing this for the past month and I feel great. It took a few weeks of following this routine every other day to start to feel the effects. I feel much more energetic and and it has actually made me better mentally. I would sit around my house a lot of times, but since I started this I feel like I always want to be doing something. HIIT is not for everyone, but I just kept hearing about how many people were doing it and seeing results from
Thank you I will give the article a read.