That’s why I’ve compiled a list of the 25 best foods that can help suppress your appetite while eating one meal a day. Thankfully, these foods are also very healthy for you and relatively easy to integrate into your one meal a day.
The following 25 foods will help satisfy your hunger pangs and keep you feeling full because they are rich in essential nutrients and vitamins.
1. Beans and Similar Foods
Beans and other similar foods, such as lentils and chickpeas, are some of the most satisfying foods that you can eat. In fact, I don’t think I’m facetious when I say that beans should be considered a superfood. They are loaded with vitamins and minerals, such as iron, many B vitamins, and a rich variety of different antioxidants. Just as importantly, they are very rich in fiber.
Fiber is one of the essential nutrients for feeling satisfied and satiated. A recent study, “Dietary Adherence and Satisfaction with a Bean-Based High-Fiber Weight Loss Diet: A Pilot Study,” found that people who ate even a cup or two of beans during a meal were 31 percent more satisfied after a meal. As a result, they were less likely to overeat.
2. Healthy Soup
Soup is a fascinating type of food because it simultaneously helps you feel more satisfied and decreases your caloric intake. That’s because low-calorie and broth-based soups help to fill your stomach more fully than other types of food. After all, much of the content of your average soup is water or broth, which takes up a significant amount of room in your stomach.
Just as importantly, most soups are filled with healthy ingredients such as celery, chicken, onions, and much more. Many of these ingredients are rich in protein and fiber, foods that help to keep you satisfied for hours. Make sure that you choose soups with healthy ingredients and which are low in sodium. Homemade soup is probably your best choice because it is easier to control the sodium content.
3. Chia Seeds
Chia seeds are rapidly becoming one of the most popular superfoods on the market today. That’s because they are high in fiber without being too rich in calories. They also contain antioxidants and other nutrients that make them a healthy addition to a diet. I love them because they can be used in just about any food. I’ve sprinkled them on a salad and baked them on top of a chicken casserole.
It is a great idea to have some chia seeds in your kitchen. Sprinkle at least two tablespoons of them on a dish of your daily meal. In this way, you will get a heavy dose of fiber that will make you feel satisfied even longer. Just as importantly, you’ll feel more satisfied and won’t end up overeating later in the day.
4. Barley
While all grains are a great choice for those on an omad diet, I suggest eating as much barley as possible. That’s because it contains the highest amount of fiber. Just a single cup has six grams of this nutrient. You can easily reach your fiber content by sprinkling a little bit of barley on top of a meal. You can even eat it as a side dish.
Try integrating it into a soup if you have a hard time eating it on its own. One of my favorites is a mushroom and barley soup. Mushrooms help to add a little thickness and taste to the soup while the barley keeps you satisfied. A cup or a bowl of this consumed during your meal window should be more than enough to keep you full.
5. Carrots
Carrots are one of those vegetables that just about everybody loves. That’s because they can be prepared in so many delicious ways. Some people love baking them as a side dish to a heavy meat dish. Others will dip raw baby carrots in a ranch dressing for a quick and easy snack. Beyond that diversity, they are also a surprisingly rich source of fiber.
For example, just seven baby carrots have about three grams of fiber. Larger carrots will contain even more. My suggestion here is to cut up about two or three larger carrots and cook them in a large bowl of soup. This step helps make them easier to eat and creates a creamy and delicious soup that you can store and eat for days.
6. Dark Chocolate
You might be surprised to know that dark chocolate is a great choice. That’s because it helps to fill you up quickly and simultaneously helps to curb your appetite for salty and sweet foods. It also contains a healthy level of caffeine that can stimulate your metabolism and help to burn more calories in your diet.
Even better, dark chocolate has been shown to reduce blood pressure and improve heart and brain health. This information may sound too good to be true. Well, not all chocolate is made equal. People who enjoy sweeter milk chocolate are going to be disappointed because it doesn’t have the same benefits. As a result, you need to seek out the darkest chocolate to ensure you feel full for a longer time.
7. Nuts
If you’re a big fan of nuts, you’re in luck. Just about any nut is filled with fiber and will help you feel full. They are also rich in healthy and unsaturated fat. This fat takes up extra room in your stomach and makes it harder for you to overeat. Just as importantly, it can serve as an important source of energy during your fasting period.
That’s because your body will briefly go into ketosis during this period and burn fat off of your body. The healthy fats of nuts will help not only to increase the efficiency of this process but make it go into effect even sooner. As a result, they are a great ingredient to add to a variety of dishes. I like to sprinkle them on some oatmeal for an extra boost of taste. Speaking of oatmeal…
8. Oatmeal
I already talked about the health benefits of barley for those who are on a omad diet. However, oatmeal has to be one of the best ways to feel full for as long as possible. That’s because oatmeal is packed with fiber and protein. These nutrients keep you satiated and balance your blood sugar. However, oatmeal also contains healthy nutrients, such as beta-glucan, that help to improve your heart health.
Just as impressively, a bowl of oatmeal has no more than 250-350 calories. As a result, it is an excellent addition to omad. In fact, I suggest eating a bowl of oatmeal every day with your meal. Add chia seeds, nuts, or any other healthy topping found on this list to add a little taste and variety to this food type.
9. Eggs
We’ve all heard jokes about the constantly-changing health status of eggs. One year, nutritionists claim that they are unhealthy and should be avoided. The next year, another group says that they are one of the healthiest sources of protein on the market. Personally, I think that eating a handful of eggs throughout the week is one of the best ways to stay full.
I wouldn’t eat any more than two eggs every few days, however, as they are high in cholesterol. That said, they are packed with some of the densest and healthiest proteins that you can eat on a omad. And in the study, “Commonly Consumed Protein Foods Contribute to Nutrient Intake, Diet Quality, and Nutrient Adequacy,” it was found that people who eat high-protein foods eat fewer calories and weigh less than those who do not.
10. Greek Yogurt
This is one of my favorites. Greek Yogurt is low in sugar and rich in calcium. It is also typically packed with high amounts of protein usually around 15-20 grams. This is usually twice the amount you will find in regular yogurt. Adding this into omad diet can not only help you suppress your appetite, but it also has many other health benefits.
11. Whey Protein
Whey is a protein contained in every type of dairy food. For example, milk, yogurt, and various cheeses are all rather high in this type of protein. It is a very filling type of this nutrient that helps people to feel more satisfied after eating a meal of any size. That said, it is often a good idea to integrate a whey protein supplement into your omad diet to help make up any deficiencies.
Typically, I like to mix a cup of whey protein in a glass of milk and consume it during my one meal. Milk is an excellent choice for a mixing medium because its taste helps to overcome the sometimes bland flavor of whey protein supplements. Just as importantly, it adds an extra source of whey protein that you can’t get with drinks such as water or orange juice. One drink should be more than enough to get you a large dose of whey protein.
12. Apples
It’s true what the doctors say: an apple a day decreases your appetite and makes you feel full for a more extended period. That’s because apples are filled with fiber and water. They are also packed with multiple types of vitamins and minerals, including many types of healthy and beneficial antioxidants. Even better, eating more than one helps to increase their benefits even further.
Apples are also very easy to prepare and can be served in diverse ways. For example, you can eat a raw apple whole or cut it up into slices. These slices can then be added to your oatmeal or other types of cereal to improve their taste. Apples also make a delicious side dish and can be dipped into various sauces to enhance their flavor.
13. Avocados
More people are getting addicted to avocados every day. That’s because this fruit is one of the healthiest you can eat. In fact, it is often considered a superfood by many nutritionists. That’s because they are filled with many vitamins and nutrients and are also very low in calories. Even better, eating half an avocado can help you feel up to 24 percent fuller than if you hadn’t eaten one.
Guacamole, the famous dip made out of avocados, is also a great food to integrate into your meal. That’s because it is a very-low-calorie topping or dip that you can use on sandwiches or in other types of foods. Its thick and creamy texture will help increase your satisfaction and make it easier for you to avoid overeating.
14. Pickles and Fermented Foods
Pickles have recently come under investigation by various nutritionists. In fact, many studies into fermented foods have found that they contain a surprising abundance of short-chain fatty acids. These fatty acids help to make you feel full for a long time. They are also a healthy fat that provides your body with a lot of energy during your period of ketosis.
Beyond that, fermented foods also contain a large number of probiotics. These healthy bacteria types help to improve your digestion and reduce your appetite. While pickles are probably the most accessible kind of fermented foods to find, you can also try sauerkraut and kimchi. These foods often have an overpowering taste and smell that will make you feel full even longer.
15. Broccoli
Broccoli is one of those superfoods that you either love or hate. If you love broccoli, try to integrate it into your one meal. It not only contains 5.1 grams of fiber per cup but also has a lot of protein. As a result, it helps to fill you up during your eating period.
Beyond those benefits, it has a large number of antioxidants that help to fight various diseases. Some studies have even shown that eating broccoli may provide potential cancer-fighting benefits. Raw broccoli is the healthiest type to eat and often pairs well with a guacamole dip. If you can’t handle it raw, try to steam it. Steaming your broccoli will preserve a maximum amount of nutrients and vitamins.
16. Brussels Sprouts
Here’s another food you either love or hate. However you feel about them, you should try integrating them into your diet because they have 4.1 grams of fiber per cup. Even better, they are typically quite easy to prepare and can be enjoyed in a variety of different ways. As with broccoli, I suggest steaming them to get the maximum benefit.
That said, some people enjoy eating deep-fried Brussels sprouts. I wouldn’t suggest this method because it adds a lot of grease and fat to an otherwise healthy food. However, this deep-fried type can be useful if you suddenly crave other types of unhealthy fried foods during your one meal. I’d suggest eating fried Brussels sprouts no more than once per month.
17. Kale
Kale is a great choice. That’s because this superfood contains some very beneficial ingredients. In fact, any vegetable that is dark green is usually loaded with multiple types of antioxidants and vitamins.
Eating a kale salad is an excellent choice because you can add other items, such as avocados and apples, to make it tastier. Even better, two cups of raw kale posses nearly five grams of fiber. This fiber content helps to make it one of the best ways to stay full and avoid hunger during a fast.
18. Chili Powder
A recent study by a university in the Netherlands found that spicy foods help to control your appetite and prevent overeating. They tested chili powder and found that adding even a one-quarter teaspoon of this powder to foods could help to suppress your appetite.
In fact, they found that people who followed this routine could eat 75 percent of their average calories without feeling much discomfort. As a result, it is a good idea to find a few meals that can use chili powder. While this might not always be easy, it can be done with many recipes.
19. Red Peppers
While I’m on the subject of hot foods, I should mention the benefits of red peppers. These sweet peppers help to add a lot of taste and kick to a meal and make it easier to eat. However, they also add a potent boost of heat that helps to decrease your appetite. Even better, they contain many vitamins and minerals.
As a result, it is wise to find a way to add red peppers into your omad diet whenever possible. For example, you could add a few chopped red peppers to tacos to make them more satisfying. You could also add them to a salad or other meals to increase your satiety.
20. Raspberries
Raspberries are, I believe, an undervalued fruit. While they might not have the sweet flavor of other types of berries, they are incredibly healthy. In fact, you get a shockingly large dose of vitamin C, antioxidants, and much more. They are also low in sugar, meaning your blood sugar will stay balanced.
Best of all, they are rather easy to integrate into many kinds of meals. You can add them on top of your yogurt to give it a little more flavor. However, you can also eat a handful of raspberries as a side dish to just about any food. Experiment a little to find a way to add this fruit to your one meal menu.
21. Pears
Pears are another undervalued fruit that should be eaten whenever possible. They are relatively low in sugar and contain a shocking 5.5 grams of fiber. As a result, it is wise to chop up a pear and integrate it into a delicious fruit salad.
Try pairing it with raspberries or apples to increase its appeal even more. You can also try adding strawberries and blueberries to boosts its taste to the highest possible level.
22. Artichokes
Artichokes are very healthy and, unfortunately, rarely eaten. Ignoring them is a mistake because they are very low in calories and have 10.3 grams of fiber per artichoke. Eating just one artichoke will help fill you up, but a whole side dish will stuff you even further.
Try baking or steaming artichokes or toss some artichoke hearts on a pizza to integrate them into your diet. You can also add the hearts to other types of foods, such as sandwiches or salads, to add a bit of rich flavor to your diet.
23. Grapefruit
Grapefruit may not be an easy fruit for everyone to stomach, but it can be a very healthy way to stay full. Pairing it with other fiber-rich fruits is a wise idea because this combination will make you feel full longer than normal. That’s because grapefruit is 90 percent water.
As a result, it is both low in calories and filling. Just as importantly, it consists of many types of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals and should keep your stomach satisfied long past your meal window.
24. Popcorn
Eating a little popcorn during your meal is not a bad idea. That’s because it contains just 100 calories per two cups and contains a large amount of air. As a result, you will feel more satisfied with a small amount.
Make sure that you avoid adding an excessive level of butter or salt to your popcorn. Doing so will decrease its healthiness and make it more problematic. While you can add a little flavoring to it, if you add too much you will make it more of a problem than it is worth.
25. Cottage Cheese
Cottage cheese is a surprisingly filling type of food that is a favorite of many nutritionists. In fact, one of these doctors, Lauren Harris-Pincus, states that “Cottage cheese is one of my daily staples” and says that it is high in protein, low in calories, and rich in water.
In fact, it is 82 percent water, meaning that it will fill up your stomach and minimize your caloric intake. A one-cup serving has just 163 calories and 28 grams of protein. As a result, it is wise to integrate this food into your diet as soon as possible.
Final Thoughts
As you can see, there are plenty of great foods that you can integrate into your diet that help to eliminate the annoyance of hunger pangs. Each of these foods are incredibly healthy and can be great additions to your omad diet.
Naturally, you can’t eat each of these 25 foods every day while on your omad diet. However, you can integrate at least a handful of them into your one meal every day. I suggest adding at least 4-5 into your one meal and alternating the types you use throughout the week.
Just as importantly, choosing foods that you like helps to prevent boredom or dietary failure. Starving yourself or picking healthy foods that are not to your taste can lead to dietary failure.
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NCBI: Effects of Dietary Fiber and Its Components on Metabolic Health
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition: Commonly Consumed Protein Foods Contribute to Nutrient Intake, Diet Quality, and Nutrient Adequacy
International Scholarly Research Notices: Dietary Adherence and Satisfaction with a Bean-Based High-Fiber Weight Loss Diet: A Pilot Study