Common Methods of Intermittent Fasting
There are many methods of intermittent Fasting. While the general idea behind the use of intermittent fasting remains the same, there are many variations of intermittent fasting that serve as perfect diet plans for different individuals depending on their personal requirements, preferences, and goals.
Before we jump into 5 of the main types of intermittent fasting diets, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind. As mentioned before, do take advice from a health advisor prior to incorporating an intermittent fasting diet into your life.
When you consider using any type of intermittent fasting diet, remember that the different types of diets will yield different results. While all of them will provide various benefits in their own way, they will work differently for different people.
When you decide to choose an intermittent fasting diet, do not force yourself towards a certain type. If the decision for it does not come easily, it may not be the right option for you. For any diet to actually work, it is essential that you have a positive mind-set for it. If you do not want the benefits of the diet to be short-lived, always choose a diet plan that will make your life easier. You also want to choose a diet that can fit easily in your lifestyle and can help you towards your goals.
1. Leangains:
In the leangains diet, women must fast for 14 hours while men are advised to fast for 16 hours each day. They can eat in the remaining 6 to 8 hours. During the fast, one abstains from calories. However, calorie-free sweeteners, sugar-free chewing gum, and diet soda are allowed. This fasting plan has a schedule that can easily be incorporated into any lifestyle.
The key is to ensure that you maintain a stable feeding window time. The time and the type of food you eat, also needs to be adjusted according to the plan for that day. If you are exercising, you will need more carbs than fat. Similarly, on days when you are resting, fats will be of more value. Eat lots of whole, un-processed food items and ensure that you have good protein consumption every day.
The diet is ideal for dedicated gym members, who need to shed some fat and build muscle.
Pros: Irrelevant meal frequency allows one to eat whenever they like during the eating period.
Cons: You must watch what you eat during days that incorporate workouts.
2. Eat Stop Eat:
This intermittent fasting diet plan works on the concept of fasting for 24 hours either once or twice per week. Whilst one is not allowed to eat during the fasting period, calorie-free beverages are permitted. One can go back to eating normally once the fasting period has finished. It is up to the individual to end the fast the way that is preferred. You can either have an afternoon snack or a full meal. Do what you feel more comfortable with. The main concept behind the diet is that one can effectively limit the calorie intake without being too strict on what to eat during the eating period. In order to make the most of the Eat Stop Eat intermittent fasting diet, it is important to incorporate frequent workouts as well as resistance training.
The diet is ideal for all the dedicated healthy food lovers that are looking for a boost in their lifestyle.
Pros: This is a flexible diet program and you can adjust the fasting phase according to how well your body responds. Take it easy at the beginning and increase the fasting time as your body gets used to it.
Cons: 24 hours without any calories can be tough and can lead to headaches and fatigue. There is also the possibility of binge eating but it can be controlled as one gets used to the diet.
3. The Warrior Diet:
This diet is based on the fact that individuals are nocturnal eaters. In this diet, you will be expected to fast for around 20 hours each day. The day will end with one large meal. The effectiveness of the warrior diet is dependent on the type of food in the large meal. During the fasting phase of the diet, you can have fresh juice, small servings of protein, vegetables and raw fruits if needed. The four hours that are left at night will focus on overeating. It is advised to have vegetables first and then have proteins and fat. Carbohydrates should be the last option when you still need to eat more.
The Warrior diet is ideal for individuals who are purely devoted to following strict rules.
Pros: You are not completely fasting during the fasting period and can still have small snacks.
Cons: The diet is not ideal for those people who do not like to have large meals at night. It may also be difficult to fast for 20 hours and still not be allowed to eat whatever you like at night.
4. Fat Loss Forever:
The name of this diet definitely attracts the attention of many people. This intermittent fasting diet plan can be thought of as an integration of the best of the leangains, eat stop eat and the warrior diet.
The diet allows one cheat day after which you are required to fast for 36 hours. The seven-day cycle is then segmented to accommodate the various fasting protocols. It is better to save the longest fasts for the days when you are the busiest. This helps one in getting their mind off food and allows them to focus on what’s important; being productive!
The diet is ideal for gym lovers who can afford a cheat day.
Pros: The Fat Loss Forever diet offers a structured 7-day schedule that helps the body get used to fasting. You also get one full cheat day!
Cons: The diet plan is specific and sticking to it can be a bit difficult.
5. UpDayDownDay:
Other names of this diet include alternate-diet day and alternate-day fasting. This intermittent diet is probably the easiest out of the five. You need to eat just a little one day and then you proceed with eating normally the day after. The low-calorie days require one fifth of the general calories that you consume. Following the rule of 2000 calories for women and 2500 calories for men, a fasting day would require 400 to 500 calories. Save the workouts for the up days or days when you are not fasting since it can make it difficult to manage the fast.
This diet is ideal for those who have a specific weight goal in mind. The disciplined ones can manage this diet easily.
Pros: This diet works pretty well for those who need to lose weight.
Cons: Binge eating may be a problem on days when one is not fasting.
6. Omad Diet – Eating One Meal a Day
Last, but not least, is this simple dietary concept. On the OMAD diet, you can eat one meal per day. Your meal should include all of your caloric intake. Your meal should include all of your caloric intake. It is often wise to pair this diet with a supplement or a protein powder to ensure you get all the vitamins and minerals that you need to be healthy for the rest of the day.
Pros: Easiest Diet to Understand and Follow.
Cons: Adjusting to eating one substantial meal can throw many people for a loop and cause them to overeat.
Conclusion – Choosing the right method of intermittent fasting
You will want to choose the right method of intermittent fasting that fits your lifestyle. As mentioned before, it’s always best to consult with a doctor before choosing any methods of intermittent fasting. If you have any more questions, you can always visit our community forums.