What to you is the easiest way of exercising at home?

I think that sounds like a good exercise, @pinkbell , and one that does not even require a lot of room. I tried walking outside, but sometimes the weather is too hot, too cold, or just rainy and wet; so outside walking is just not suitable for every day. We don’t have any room for a treadmill; but marching in place is something that would work for me, also, and I think that I will try doing that.
Mostly, we go to the fitness center, and I don’t focus on exercise at home; but it is definitely a good plan for when a person does need to be able to just do a workout at home.
I take my daughter to school every day, that's a 5-minute walk. Then I go get breakfast, another 10-minute walk. Afterwards, I walk around the neighborhood until I ge tired or hungry, 30-45 minutes of brisk walking. But the consistency is my problem, sometimes I do it, sometimes I just go back home after taking my duaghter to school.
Every weekdays I do exercise before bedtime, stretching my arms and legs, to firm muscles. It takes 10 to 15 minutes a day and during weekend I do the jogging in place and adding more forms of stretching exercise.
When I'm at home I watched YouTube video exercises. I do those 15-30 mins. exercises, most of them are Zumba exercises. I also do jogging in place. It is not as enjoyable when you are outside but you can certainly do this at home without needing fancy exercise equipment. Belly dancing is also a hobby of mine, just watching YouTube videos can give you a lot of ideas.
Most of the time if I'm working out from home, I look up workout videos on YouTube. There's plenty to choose from, it's free, and you can search for exactly what you're trying to target.
I do the exact same thing! You can type anything and there will be a video about it. I did a lot of cardio while on OMAD at first then I installed an app (you know like 30 day challenge apps) . AND I read online that is good for fat loss to do your exercise routine in the morning.
Well until recently I didn't have any option to exercise at home, as I was living in a crowded apartment, but few months ago we moved to a house into a rural area, and now there's a lot of options of what to do in our garden, however, I'm a person of just jogging, ya' know! ;)
Well until recently I didn't have any option to exercise at home, as I was living in a crowded apartment, but few months ago we moved to a house into a rural area, and now there's a lot of options of what to do in our garden, however, I'm a person of just jogging, ya' know! ;)
You can do Zumba :)
There is this great one, it’s a breathing exercise that you do for several hours. You lay down and close your eyes and sink into the universe. You wake up whenever your body is ready. I call it, sleep roulette. Will it be 5 minutes? 5 hours? Who knows
For me, the easiest workout that you can do from your house is Burpees, jump squats, mountain climbers, lunges. Look up active rest activities. Look up dynamic warm-ups for runners.
You can find easy exercises in YouTube wherein there are a lot of guides and tutorial. But for me, the easiest exercise that I can suggest for you is push-ups, sit-ups, and squats. You can even do that wherever you go. You can also do some stretching, or even try doing some yoga at home.
I'm actively working out daily but I don't go to gyms because I don't have much time and I don't want to spend just for a membership when I know I can't barely use. We need to be more practical. For me, I can have the same benefits even when I do it at home.

I downloaded workout videos from Fitness Blender and I really love working out with them because they also include warm ups and cool down stretch. for free. I also feel motivated with Kelly's body and their workouts are realistic and you can choose any type of exercise. They have pilates, HIIT, and mostly cardio.