What happens to your body when you drink soda

Soda or pop as some call it, is a beverage high in sugar and other additives. I've cut out soda pop a long time ago, and haven't looked back. With that being said, why is soda so bad for you? Is it because of the high amount of sugar? The high fructose corn syrup? Or just everything?

I stopped drinking it as I was a high risk for diabetes, and soda is royally bad for that reason.

Here's some more info on why soda is bad for you. If you still drink soda, or even diet soda, please consider getting it out of your diet, as it's only going to cause you issues.

Yeah, skip sodie pop whenever you can. I stopped drinking it a while back, shortly before I started omad, and I'm glad I did, because man is it bad for you. On top of that, it did something savage to my teeth, so I steer clear of it from now on.
Sugar isn't good for you, that's for sure. I stopped with sugary drinks years ago, and haven't looked back. It's nice though, when you stop drinking it, you get used to not drinking it fairly fast.
Soda or pop as some call it, is a beverage high in sugar and other additives. I've cut out soda pop a long time ago, and haven't looked back. With that being said, why is soda so bad for you? Is it because of the high amount of sugar? The high fructose corn syrup? Or just everything?

I stopped drinking it as I was a high risk for diabetes, and soda is royally bad for that reason.

Here's some more info on why soda is bad for you. If you still drink soda, or even diet soda, please consider getting it out of your diet, as it's only going to cause you issues.

I have read facts that I had not known. Soda is that bad!
It's mainly the junk that's added in to soda that is bad for you. I haven't touched the stuff in a while. My friends teeth were in such a rough shape because of pop. It's partly what caused diabetes in a friend of mine. So yeah, I say steer away from it.
Sugar is the key issue with most soda. I wouldn't even drink diet soda, as the artificial sweeteners cause your body to think your still getting that sugar.

My motto is, to just not drink anything that's full of chemicals.
Yes, Soda pop whether it be with sugar or the toxic artificial sweeteners. Along with the high fructose corn syrup and corn syrups, along with the other artificial chemicals. It's just poison and should be avoided period.
Pepsi Max yeah or Nay?
When I first started the OMAD diet (only found out today that OMAD existed) I drank only water and black coffee for about 4 weeks.
I then started having one pepsi max a day with my meal. I am now back up to about 6 per day. Down from at least 10.
I still drink at least 2 litres of water everyday, but just really enjoy the taste. So far I have not noticed an increase in appetite.
But I do worry about the effects of the sugar replacements in Pepsi Max and what that could be doing.