Week 1: Adjusting

Hello Everyone

I’ve read a lot about the benefits of OMAD and today I’m on day 2 and struggling.

Yesterday was tough, had a headache, today I felt fine but I couldn’t wait for my eating hour. I ate about 3 hours early and I think I overate because I’m so uncomfortable but I was SO hungry.

Any tips on how to survive the early stages?
Hi SindiGee, are you drinking enough water? Water has been probably the best tool for me when it comes to hunger, and it has helped my hydration for sure. Are you eating enough for your omad? I find that on days where I'm a bit light on the calories I tend to be hungrier the next day.

Have you read through the guide on this site? There is a lot of information in there that is really helpful.

I've had a few of those super hungry days that caused me to overeat and they were not fun. I can tell you that if you stick with it, it does get easier as your body adjusts to omad.

Also, I weigh and track my food because I like to know the macros I'm hitting, but a lot (maybe most) of people don't track. I have tried forgoing the tracking too, and in both instances I find that getting my entire meal together and on the table before I eat keeps me from getting up to get more. I just set it out in front of me and know that is what I'm eating and that's it. Especially on days where you think you may overeat that can help a lot.

Don't get down on yourself when you slip-up. It takes some time. Be patient with yourself and do the best you can.