I’m now really determined

Hiya All, my progress the last few days have been really excellent, I have deicidee it’s easier to keep to days up at University and actually make time to do other things so’ll see a friend at the weekend and but keeping busy with Uni has really helped me. The first few days are really difficult, bust I get into swing of it.

i have found that not havings sugar or sweeteners has really helped with it, I’m ready for another week so bring it on. I’m going to attempt tomorrow but it could be difficult as we have Sunday dinner and often have toast in the evening but I can get around that quite easily, it will be six days moving forward.

28th- 31st absolutely fantastic, roll on for next week.
Congrats on starting. Sometimes that alone is one of the hardest parts.

Glad to hear you're cutting out sugar too. It's tough, but once you do, you'll start to feel a lot better. It depends on the sweeteners though, as I hear stevia is good to use as it doesn't do what sugar does to your body. Some sweetness are bad though. Best thing you can do is research sweeteners.

Good luck on your journey with omad. :)
It's great that you're starting to get your health in order. It's not always easy to get started, but it sounds like you're getting there. :)

And that's great that you're cutting out sugar and all that. It really does make a difference when you don't eat that junk. You'll start to be more energized as well.

Please keep us updated.
Good job on cutting out or down on the sugar. It's tough to do, especially if you're used to having sugar in your diet. It took me a while to cut out sugar myself, but once I did, I got used to the changes and I feel so much better these days.

Yes, please keep us updated. :)