How do you work out if you work a lot?

It took me quite a while to get into fitness with my current job. I work quite a bit and often times I didn't feel I had the time to workout because of it. Thankfully I got my diet, and work figured out, so I started to do workouts a bit before work and then right after I get home from work. Seems to be working for me.

So, how do you deal with working out if you have a job that takes a lot of your time?
I work part time, so my diet and fitness are fairly easy to handle. I may be taking a new job soon which will provide me with more hours, but, I am worried it will cause issues with my diet and exercise. We'll see how it goes I suppose.
I'm used to working and having to workout. I just do some workouts at work. I work construction and that in itself is a solid workout, but I usually go for a jog every morning before work. At least lately.