How do you motivate yourself when on a diet?

When a person is on a diet, it takes a lot of focus and motivation involve to see the diet regimen through. What then is your greatest motivation?
I always focus on my goal and i always set my mind to it. The best way to do it is to set a goal that is attainable and realistic, keeping your goal within your capabilities will give you an upper hand in achieving. Once you have achieved it, you can try setting a much higher goal.
The key to sticking to your diet is discipline and focus on the goals and what you want to achieve out of it. That's what I do best for anything that I want to get done and one should have a good attitude towards reaching to get the results you have always wanted. I believe that if one has self discipline, it would be easier to reach a point or a goal in no time.
I follow the ethos of the great Dr Phil when following a diet He argues that you can never just stick to a diet by will power, you need to programme yourself so that you do it effortlessly. He recommends keeping only healthy food in your house, keeping strict hours of eating and of working out, so that you don't have to motivate yourself. It becomes a normal way of life, and as easy as breathing. Its like brushing your teeth and spreading your bed.Motivation is overrated in my opinion.
I follow the ethos of the great Dr Phil when following a diet He argues that you can never just stick to a diet by will power, you need to programme yourself so that you do it effortlessly. He recommends keeping only healthy food in your house, keeping strict hours of eating and of working out, so that you don't have to motivate yourself. It becomes a normal way of life, and as easy as breathing. Its like brushing your teeth and spreading your bed.Motivation is overrated in my opinion.

I think that's a great idea of having only healthy food at home, having those would help motivate a person and it won't affect your diet much even if you eat a bit more than usual. Also I think that having a weighing scale and checking your weight daily can get you motivated and help you focus, because you would see actual progress.
My greatest motivation is myself. I am motivated to be fit and healthy for myself. Intrinsic motivation is always better than extrinsic motivation. And I think making yourself better for yourself and not for other people's sake is a great thing to do.
I'm not really into diet, and that's good thing. I think it's really hard for me to get motivated and focus on something, but I think the people into diet should focus on their self, do this diet because they want it, and not because of people around them.
I set my goals and I follow to achieve them, it is hard when you start the diet but after a while, it will become easier seeing the results coming.
When a person is on a diet, it takes a lot of focus and motivation involve to see the diet regimen through. What then is your greatest motivation?

My greatest motivation is looking in the mirror. This is what I do every morning before going to work and it has always been good that things always work better for me. I use that to push myself to continue with the Omad routine.
I set my goals and I follow to achieve them, it is hard when you start the diet but after a while, it will become easier seeing the results coming.

Taking it step by step with lots of focus is a way to remain on the line. This is something that is not easy for some of us, but I get to notice that it is all about doing the things that is right.
My greatest motivation is looking in the mirror. This is what I do every morning before going to work and it has always been good that things always work better for me. I use that to push myself to continue with the Omad routine.

That's a good motivational practice because the best motivator is positive visible results, there's nothing that can motivate better than that.
That's a good motivational practice because the best motivator is positive visible results, there's nothing that can motivate better than that.

Having positive result is the best thing that can motivate anyone to keep up the good work that they have began. I have come to notice that it is necessary we push hard every time to stay focused.
I think being aware of the benefits of being physically fit and healthy is a good motivational source, also thinking and knowing about the benefits of looking great physically or being fit and buff can motivate a person.
My concentration helps me a lot. And my mind always telling to myself that this for good. And this is what I want so I have to do it. The result will be good so I'm sure that I wouldn't regret it later. And the good result will really motivate me doing this and makes me excited too so I'm just enjoying doing this.
My greatest motivation has always been my stylish clothes when I look at them and I can't fit in so I long to do all that its takes to wear them again and most especially is my health. I know the issues that comes with gaining weight so I try to stop or avoid that.
What drives you to lose weight? For me it's a difficult question really because I don't want to lose weight. But if by dieting I can detoxify or cleanse my body then that would be enough reason to motivate me to make some diet.
I try and write down my goals. Mainly it's because I wanted to not be so controlled by food, and OMAD has changed my relationship with food for the better. I also wanted to lose weight but I've achieved that goal, so now I'm focusing on keeping it off.
My greatest motivator is my husband because he always uses nice words to encourage me in my diet. Sometimes I really get frustrated when I fail because of the full support I get and yet I couldn't sustain the diet. I have tried different kinds like the "after six" diet and even the south beach diet that included nuts. There's also the no-rice and some other diets that after 2 weeks, I always fail to sustain my motivation. That is the main reason why I am slowing down in trying OMAD because it is a shame to try it and later would quit after a few days.
What drives you to lose weight? For me it's a difficult question really because I don't want to lose weight. But if by dieting I can detoxify or cleanse my body then that would be enough reason to motivate me to make some diet.

I think you don't have to do OMAD if you don't want to lose weight. If detoxification is your goal then you can drink a lot of freshly juiced vegetables and fruits. Also you might want to try my favorite detox drink, drink a lot of fresh coconut water.
I try and write down my goals. Mainly it's because I wanted to not be so controlled by food, and OMAD has changed my relationship with food for the better. I also wanted to lose weight but I've achieved that goal, so now I'm focusing on keeping it off.

Congratulations on your weight-loss success I also lost 7 pounds in 2 weeks of doing OMAD and I'm now taking a breather for a week. I still need to lose 8 pounds more to hit my goal.