hey guys can you share your experience in yoga

I tried yoga and it is great, I can lose fat with meditating it really helps me to focus and it changed my mindset. I thought I couldn't do it but I'm wrong, I am very wrong because there is no answer if you don't want to find it or there is no learned if there is no practice and learning. I tried yoga in an open space and with a cold breeze and fresh air.
My friend told me about it and she share her experience in doing a yoga. She feels good and relaxing when doing a yoga exercise because it keeps her body and mind to be focused and calm while burning calories. I believe yoga exercise is good also in burning calories and strengthening the muscles.
Relaxing. Discover Stress Free feeling way practicing yoga. Yoga is for everyone it can benefit anyone whose work requires long hours of sitting and standing . It can also help my mind to relax that I dont need to panic because everything will be fine.
It is one of the few work outs that suits me well. At first, I was intimidated because when I think of yoga I think of crazy poses like handstands and shoulders stands. I tried it anyway because nothing works for me. I find other workouts too repetitive and non-motivating. I was surprised by how easy and convenient it was. Just by doing a few poses, I was already sweating. I love the grace and composure that yoga promotes. It is a very good strength exercise but above all, I like how yoga just highlights the peace of mind. It tells us to look on the bright side and to love yourself as you are today.
One of the best thing I feel after doing yoga is I feel stretch and relaxed.Now I'm able to reach those things which I have never done before and it is due to muscles strength.
I have been doing yoga for the last two years. At first it wasn't easy i felt like i was going to break my bones with all that,but I slowly got a hang of it and it was really amazing i got much flexible and somehow I noticed yoga is spiritual it helps you connect to your inner self as well as relax also it helped me get fit like way too fit .Some of the yoga moves help burn the fat because of that struggle of doing them at first .
I have not created the time to try doing yoga exercise as I am always someone that is not comfortable with all the focusing part of it. However, I've read many of my internet friends say that it is really a great way to keep fit as well.
I don't take yoga as seriously as some people, but I do use it as part of my meditation routine. I find it to be really beneficial both before and after a meditation session. Before I meditate, it helps me set the tone for my mind and settles down any annoying thoughts. It also helps loosen my body so I'm not as stiff while I'm sitting. Then once I'm done sitting, I continue with a bit of yoga in order to loosen any stiff bones/muscles. I don't know how well it'd help me with weight loss, but it's mostly a practice for mind/body tranquility for me.
I do yoga from time to time because it really relaxing for the body and made one to be aware of ones body to be able to have a lifestyle that will work towards aiding weight loss.With a mindset like this one is really aware that it better to eat natural and healthy meals which will work with weight loss.Yoga helps to reduce stress which will help one avoid eating too much because of problems that comes with stress.Yoga is really a good form of exercise.
I'm not a regular yoga practitioner. But i have searched yoga and apply some of it just to have a method to release stress and anxiety. I love breathing exercises and positions that helps you regulate your body energy.

The truth is that most times, I see yoga as a boring exercise or female exercise if I should put it that way. This is actually the main reason why I never took any keen interest in participating in yoga. But as I for any other workouts, I'm all into them.
For my own experience yoga has many benefits, it helps to improve flexibility, balance and circulation, helps to increase stamina and reduce stress. Doing yoga regularly has been proven to help improve over all health and even decrease your risk of disease.
For my own experience yoga has many benefits, it helps to improve flexibility, balance and circulation, helps to increase stamina and reduce stress. Doing yoga regularly has been proven to help improve over all health and even decrease your risk of disease.

In all honesty, flexibility is a good thing that comes with taking part in yoga exercises. Sometimes when I watch people practice yoga, I feel they might end up hurting themselves from the twisting that is involved with yoga exercises but such never happens.
I tried it but I don't think it's for me because I didn't like staying still all that much. I admit that it felt great building strength that way and it did feel effective but I just feel much more comfortable when I exercise by moving instead. I prefer more active exercises but now that I know how yoga feels I do feel a bit envious of those that can enjoy it because I now understand better why it is appealing to people.
I have not done yoga as such but, I do practice the five tibetan rites which can be said to be dynamic yoga. My experience of them was a general improvement in mobility, better mood and more energy. I strongly believe yoga and/or qigong are more beneficial than western exercise.
To be honest, not so good. I guess some people manage to do it during OMAD, but I prefer jogging with an mp3 playing. I get bored quickly during YOGA
I was in a pretty rocky relationship that was reaching the end of its course, and I did a pretty intense flow with a lot of hip-openers and back bends. The instructor started the class with this quote that went something along the lines of, "people are so afraid to quit a job, leave a bad relationship, take a risk. The only way to get through pain is to go through it. Pain is growth.
Before, I thought yoga is so easy and boring but when I tried it, It's not as bad as I think it is. I'm actually used to high intensity workouts like cardio and HIITS. I just tried yoga because I've learned from the internet that it might help me with my anxiety and panic attacks.

I find it great and I'm now constantly doing it for at least thrice a week for mental clarity and toning.
I've done yoga quite a bit in my life. I don't do it as much as I would like to these days, but when I did, it helped with my back pain, and even helped me deal with some past injuries to my right knee. Once you get into it, and start with the basic moves, it becomes easier and actually feels quite nice.

There's a lot of benefits from doing yoga. If you can handle it, I highly recommend it.