For those who are just starting OMAD?

How is your first week doing OMAD , like the experience and problem that you encounter if theres any? My first before .. Went smooth a got no diet is effective but the temp of eating is preety hard to avoid but still I managed I just locked myself in my room and do random things. And sleep so I will forget about the food.
It was hard the first 5 days since I would crave for food at different hours, specially at night but the effects are tremendous in the sense that I've become more focus and I'm feeling light and losing a lot of pounds.
I didn't go right into OMAD, I was already doing some modifications to my diet by reducing my servings and calorie intake before I went full OMAD, so I didn't really have much problem adjusting to the diet. I also had a great schedule so I didn't have any problems thinking about when to eat.
I didn't experience that many problems or at least not really much that was different than what I experience now. I would say the most difference I feel is that I am much hungrier now during fasting period because at the start I was eating a lot more during my one meal and now I have learned to lower my intake as I have grown a bit more used to the diet. It might feel a bit more difficult but I think it would at least yield better results as I was really eating a bit too much at the start so much so that I feel it negated a bit of the reason to do OMAD to begin with.
I haven’t started omad yet because I am still gathering data so I would be fully armed with the proper knowledge. I am trying to concoct a program that will agree not only with my body’s needs but also with my palate. The advice from my sister who is a nurse is for me to enjoy the diet or perhaps I should not feel punished. In other words, when I am not uncomfortable with the diet then that will make me last the program. My take on omad is that if I couldn’t last the duration then I should not start it. And I have to admit that I am quite spoiled when it comes to dieting. But don’t get me wrong, being spoiled in a different manner just so I would still enjoy the food that I eat even if I am on a diet.