Day 8 on Omad

Day 8 of OMAD and I don't know why today seemed to be the hardest, still I soldiered thru.
I pretty much got through it by imagining the nice clothes I'll be wearing, the great pics sans double chin I'll be taking and my knee pain clearing up. I also plotted what I would weigh each month if I lost 4lbs a week so I know the payoff is cumulative if I stick to this.
I have lost 5lbs and will be adding walking next week. I probably could lose more if I stuck to a "cleaner" way of eating.
stay strong! You will have hard days...drink water. Eat sugar-free gum but know this, you're NOT going to die or even faint. In fact, there'll be days when you don't even realize that you skipped breakfast and lunch...Making this a habit is only a few weeks away.
for me it's now a lifestyle there were days I got hungry some days I ate a lot on my meal but now it's all good. I don't even eat that much on my meal and workouts am stronger it's amazing. u on an amazing journey don't stop. stick to this group we will motivate each other to our goals