Are Hotdogs okay to eat in OMAD?

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We are having Hotdogs sandwiches today and I ate 2 jumbo hotdog sandwiches with a lot of fresh coleslaw salad. Is this okay to eat?

Maybe it's alright if it's just once in a while. Hotdog is a processed food and processed food are very unhealthy. Avoid eating unhealthy food for it might ruin your diet. But you can satisfy your cravings once in a while so that you won't feel deprived.
Its alright to eat it once in two weeks or maybe just once a week.
Hotdogs are not healthy at all but if you really love to eat them,I guess you can add them to your OMAD diet.
Actually hot dogs and junk food are not allowed in any diet, you have eaten now but you should to stick to the diet and avoid hot dogs in the future.
Hotdogs are processed foods. As they said, processed foods are not good in diet. Hotdogs and sandwiches are okay maybe if you have it oncein a while. But eating it regularly will nt help in your diet. It's okay to have cheat days.
Yeah, I think so, but just don't eat too much hotdogs, it has preservative I think. There's nothing wrong I think if you will just eat 1 hotdog a week. You should control your self not to crave for more.
I know hotdogs aren't really whole but processed foods and therefore not really that good for the tummy. But who doesn't want hotdogs from time to time? Put some ketchup, some mustard, garnished it with bits of tomatoes and onions and other delectable stuffs, and the thing is a wonder. You gobble it up. And take another one . But these stuffs should be taken occasionally, like watching movies.
I agree with them, hotdog is not healthy and therefor you cannot eat them when in diet. You are on OMAD diet program, if you eat unhealthy food on your only meal for the day I don't think it will be good for you. Actually even when you are not on diet, it is still not adviceable to eat hotdogs. But I am guilty, I like hotdogs. But I restrict on eating them like 2 or three pcs.a month. I also want my children to have that kind of discipline when it comes in eating hotdog.
Obviously hot dog is processed food and we should avoid it, that’s according to the health guru. But I have to admit that we eat hot dog occasionally and usually that’s when we cook pasta. The sauce of our pasta includes chopped hot dogs and we have the leftover hot dogs for breakfast. But in regular times, we don’t have hot dogs in the fridge and the canned goods in our food cabinet serve more for emergency than for regular eating. Even with fish, we prefer the fresh fish that we cook instead of the canned sardines.
Processed food are not good when you are in a diet. It can destroy your diet because processed food are not good in our stomach. It can destroy our diet because of fats.
I know OMAD diet allows us eat whatever we want to eat but then our body isn't just about losing weight we should also think about having very healthy meals that will nourish our body,so the best bet is eating more of balanced diet and less of junks.Hotdogs aren't really healthy so we can eat them in moderation.
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