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  1. Kakashi2020

    Fried, Boiled, Grilled or Steamed Foods which one works best in OMAD?

    Yesterday I met a friend who was on a diet and his diet is based on eating steamed food. He said that it's the most nutritious way of cooking food because it doesn't contain any fat. I on the other hand believes that grilled food is more nutritious and more tasty than steamed food. What's...
  2. Kakashi2020

    Vitamin and Mineral Supplements

    Multivitamins are essential in any kind of diet because it gives the body the much needed vitamins and minerals when you're dieting using OMAD. Vitamins B Complex, C, and E are some of the vitamins the body needs and the best way to get these vitamins is by drinking multivitamin capsules, it's...
  3. Kakashi2020

    Walking is a good workout

    For a low impact exercise I would suggest walking for atleast 30-45 minutes on different kinds of terrain. You can walk uphill and downhill or even use a lot of stairs as well as on regular flat terrain like walking in large malls. Doing this would tone up your leg, calves, thigh muscles and...
  4. Kakashi2020

    Processed Meats and OMAD Keto

    Since OMAD Keto is about eating High Fat and Low Protein and Low Carb Foods then it's logical to presume that Hotdog, Sausages, Bacon, Ham, and other delicious process meats can be eaten during this diet right?
  5. Kakashi2020

    Veggies that you can Rice

    Ricing veggies can help you in your OMAD Keto diet and here are some of the vegetables that you can pulse and cook as a nutritious rice substitute. Carrots Beets Cauliflower Butternut Squash Plantains Broccoli Simply pulse and cook with olive oil or some butter, onions and garlic and season...
  6. Kakashi2020

    Broccoli Rice

    Broccoli Rice is a good rice substitute for those who are doing OMAD Keto because it's low carb unlike rice which is high on carbs. Broccoli Rice is quite easy to prepare you just need a food processor and pulse the broccoli along with some onions and panfry it with some butter until cooked...
  7. Kakashi2020

    Rice Substitute

    One good Rice Substitute for Asians doing OMAD Keto is Cauliflower Rice. Well it basically cauliflower chopped or processed until it's the size of cooked rice up to the size of corn kernels. It's then panfried with some white pepper and a bit of salt until cooked. It's delicious and has a lot...
  8. Kakashi2020

    Benefits of Drinking Coffee

    Coffee aids in Weight-loss and has a lot of antioxidants that fights heart disease and cancer. Caffeine stimulates the memory and aids in preventing memory loss. Studies also shows that coffee detoxifies our liver and promotes liver health. It's also a great supplemental drink for OMAD diet.
  9. Kakashi2020

    What's the Best kind of Coffee to Drink?

    I started drinking decaf coffee in my teens and for most of my life I've enjoyed drinking brewed until I changed my preferences and now I love drinking instant. I would like to know what's the best kind of Coffee to Drink while doing OMAD?
  10. Kakashi2020

    How long should I be doing OMAD Keto?

    I've been doing OMAD Keto for more than a week and I can see that it's pretty effevtive. How long should I do it?
  11. Kakashi2020

    Rice Substitute for Low Carbs

    In OMAD Keto diet should be high fat, low protein and carb. For people in South East Asia where Rice is the main staple food, what can be the best Rice Substitute?
  12. Kakashi2020

    What's the best way to cook pork in OMAD Keto?

    I'm eating a lot of pork, chicken cheeses and milk but I mainly eat pork. What is thebest way of cooking pork for OMAD Keto?
  13. Kakashi2020

    Is Eating Fatty Pork Okay?

    I read that Pork is a great Meat to achieve Ketosis. But does eating fatty pork like pork cracklings okay?
  14. Kakashi2020

    Potato as a Meat Substitute

    Potato is a good and nutritious meat substitute. It's got protein, potassium and B vitamins. It's also very versatile and can be a really delicious meat substitute. What are your favorite potato meat substitute recipes?
  15. Kakashi2020

    Are there health risks in eating a lot of meat for weeks?

    In doing the OMAD Keto diet, are there health risks involved? If I'm going to eat a lot of meat for weeks, does this have any bad effects on my health?
  16. Kakashi2020

    What kind of meat works best in a keto OMAD diet?

    In a Keto OMAD diet what would be the best Meat to eat? I'm currently on this diet and im eating a combination of Chicken and Pork.
  17. Kakashi2020

    Is eating Rice good in OMAD?

    What would be a good meal ratio for rice when doing OMAD? Is eating alot of rice good or bad in OMAD?
  18. Kakashi2020

    Omad Keto is the best

    Im now doing OMAD keto after a couple of weeks of not doing OMAD. In my opinion OMAD Keto is very effective and since eating a lot of meat is very filling, I don't get a lot of cravings unlike in doing the regular OMAD.
  19. Kakashi2020

    What Plant based Dish do you eat Daily?

    What plant based food do you consume every meal when on a Vegetarian Diet? What are the benefits of eating it?
  20. Kakashi2020

    What is your Staple Omad Food?

    What Staple Food or Dish do you constantly eat regularly when doing your OMAD - Keto Diet? How does your Staple Food help you?