Fasting by drinking beer?

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Have you heard about these group of monks who brew their beer inside the seminary and drink it during lent when they are forbidden to eat anything? The story goes that these beers can sustain their hunger in more ways than one because of its malt ingredient. But going back to the idea of fasting with beer, is it worth the try? Or too risky perhaps? Anyone who knows about this fasting and beer stuff, please share.

I have heard a lot about monks and how they live their lives. At first, I never knew that monks take any sort of alcoholic beverages but I was educated otherwise and I know better than I knew that they do take beer. But on taking beer for fasting, I don't think that I would ever try such. If I want to fast, I would fast and if I want to drink beer, I would just go and drink.
I really think it depends on the drinker because each person is different and some may feel that drinking beer makes them lose weight and others may feel that it doesn't help.
I have not really experienced this and it is the first time that I am getting to hear about it as well. The truth of the matter is that taking of beer is not something that is cool for me and for that reason, I don't really feel comfortable making use of it as a means of dieting as well.
I don't think this is a good idea. I have seen some people who gain more weight than losing weight while drinking beer. They even have larger tummies than before. Especially on a diet, I don't think it's advisable. I think the beers your were referring to are special beers only for monks. They were trained to do such routine. But for people who weren't used on to on that, it is not a good idea to drink a beer while on diet.
Those monks have a totally different lifestyle altogether as compared to us. It might work for them for some reason, not entirely sure. But for us, definitely, it's not good to drink beer. It has always been known to make the tummy bigger and it's health risks.

That is the situation that I am looking at as well as we have seen that it is not always easy for us to work towards making things pretty okay when we take beer. What should be considered is the need for us to use other alternative means instead of taking beer.
I came from a family of drinkers. You can imagine our home with my father and 8 brothers drinking. It's not good to drink alcohol with an empty stomach. You will easily get drunk and in worse cases, you may collapse. Another issue in drinking beer on an empty stomach is the damage it can do to the liver. Sad to say that my father died of liver cancer.

I am sorry to hear that your dad died of this disease as it is not always that easy for us to be in that type of situation where we drink too much beer without it having a reaction on us. I have tried to control my intake of beer in order to stay safe in the future.
Have you heard about these group of monks who brew their beer inside the seminary and drink it during lent when they are forbidden to eat anything? The story goes that these beers can sustain their hunger in more ways than one because of its malt ingredient. But going back to the idea of fasting with beer, is it worth the try? Or too risky perhaps? Anyone who knows about this fasting and beer stuff, please share.
I think for them their body used to it compare to us.They have trained well and for years their bodies knows how to adopt this kind of fasting. Beer has lot of calories. And for us health conscious we will never risk our diet to something unusual.
I don't know if it's effective with this diet because beer makes me hungry and crave for beer food. Unlike other countries it's a tradition in mine to eat a lot of finger foods when drinking alcoholic beverages. Filipinos generally can't drink beer a lot without any food around.
That is right. Cant imagine how would it feel drinking beer without anything to eat.
Drinking beer, or any drink with calories, is NOT fasting. Some people also do what they call a fruit juice fast, and while it is not eating Whole Foods, it is definitely not fasting either.
The whole idea of the fasting is to let your body HEAL itself, and drinking an alcoholic beverage all day long is definitely NO way to heal your body , and it is not going to help with insulin spiking either.
Whatever reason the monks did this, it is not a part of the one meal a day eating plan, and more than drinking milk or lemonade would be.
I am sorry to hear that your dad died of this disease as it is not always that easy for us to be in that type of situation where we drink too much beer without it having a reaction on us. I have tried to control my intake of beer in order to stay safe in the future.
This topic can serve as a lesson to us that excessive drinking can give us health problems when we grow older. It’s not only my father who was a casualty of the liver problem due to drinking. My 3 eldest brothers also died of liver complications. It’s really sad because it looks like the disease is in our blood but it isn’t because the alcohol was the cause.
This topic can serve as a lesson to us that excessive drinking can give us health problems when we grow older. It’s not only my father who was a casualty of the liver problem due to drinking. My 3 eldest brothers also died of liver complications. It’s really sad because it looks like the disease is in our blood but it isn’t because the alcohol was the cause.

I'm truly hurt to read that you lost up to four loved ones because of alcohol intake. I have always tell people that are around me that being mindful of our alcohol intake is something that we should always be careful about to avoid having complications in life later.
Wow! this is a very interesting information. Now, people have an excuse in drinking beer. Personally, I think it is still not appropriate to drink beer when you are fasting. It will still have a negative effect on the body.
Wow! this is a very interesting information. Now, people have an excuse in drinking beer. Personally, I think it is still not appropriate to drink beer when you are fasting. It will still have a negative effect on the body.

Me too. It's just not worth the risk. So much of our problems come from drinking alcohol in excess. Maybe some people are able to cope with it. But most of us will probably feel worse by drinking it while fasting.
It is kind of scary to think of fasting and taking beer during the fast. First, it is not healthy, and secondly, it demeans the value of a fast. The barley or starch in beer may be thought to have some benefit, but I think the alcohol content overrules any good that the malt will do. I also wouldn't want to imagine the sight of a drunk monk who is supposed to be seeking spiritual freedom. A fast should be geared towards healthy living, not binging on drugs.
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