Recent content by Bobby Cole

  1. Bobby Cole

    Lifting heavy weights is not recommended

    I know you have it handled for sure! It’s all part of training isn’t it. A little ache here, a little ache there and it hurts soooo good! :) The beauty of the OMAD diet (beyond the supplementation we were conversing about) is that you can eat virtually anything. You’re still in control of...
  2. Bobby Cole

    Lifting heavy weights is not recommended

    Well @waywardcompass, how did your first day fare?
  3. Bobby Cole

    Lifting heavy weights is not recommended

    You’ll do great I am sure and it sounds like a good plan for training. As long as the cardio doesn’t overlap hypertrophy within an 8 -10 hour period it should work just fine. If there is an overlap, you’re stuck with the results you’d get from doing just cardio which is great for weight loss...
  4. Bobby Cole

    Lifting heavy weights is not recommended

    Wow, you have a pretty “full plate” (pun intended). On one hand, you’re looking for endurance and on the other you’re looking for more musclular strength. Combining the two in training is pretty hard row to hoe. Since your biggest concern right now is the plateau you’re experiencing, there...
  5. Bobby Cole

    Training Philosophy

    Good show @ OMADMartialArtist! All over this forum and even in daily life I find people who make the statement that for whatever reason they have that “you can’t”. What they are really saying is an excuse for “I can’t or I am not willing to”. To me, nutrition is like gassing up a car. If...
  6. Bobby Cole

    Training Philosophy

    I studied Kenpo for a number of years and even though I have been a body builder for the last 4 years, I think I know what direction you're going. Building mass is a tricky thing because it's pretty much 90% genetics, that is, unless a person is tilting the scales by using illegitimate...
  7. Bobby Cole

    Lifting heavy weights is not recommended

    Great Post! It almost seems that most of the people on board here are actually “unhappy” with a positive change. I can almost hear it: I’m sorry, I just can’t do such and such because, (sniff) ....I’m only allowed to have one meal.....a day (sniff).”. If people would crack the books, do...
  8. Bobby Cole

    Can you train a lot on this diet?

    It sounds like you have a fantastic regimen going on @Martinsx!! I don’t know why and it shouldn’t really concern me about what other people do, but it does. When I read a lot of the posts, it appears to me that a lot of the people are using OMAD as a cop out for not exercising or stressing...
  9. Bobby Cole

    Can you train a lot on this diet?

    Sorry, but by definition, cardio is endurance training. Any exercise which chiefly employs the slow twitch (type 1) muscle fibers is classified as endurance training. My personal training is geared toward hypertrophy which involves strength coupled with achieving muscle mass and involves Type...
  10. Bobby Cole

    Can you train a lot on this diet?

    Note 1. Heavy or light exercise is all the same because either one relies on your caloric input. If a person is putting away 2300 calories in a single meal, the goal is to burn that much or more throughout the day. If it takes a heavier workout to accomplish that, so be it. If it’s already...
  11. Bobby Cole

    Lifting heavy weights is not recommended

    Good for you @jaymish !! I believe that it’s more of a psychological problem in that there are a lot of folks who are so vastly ill informed by their “expert” friends that they do not venture out to do the necessary research on their own. They believe in some old wives message that insists...
  12. Bobby Cole

    Lifting heavy weights is not recommended

    Everything stated in the above posts should be based on what your goals are and how much you know about your body chemistry. I’m a bodybuilder and whether I eat one meal a day or 6-8, I have to use supplements in order to obtain everything my body needs to develope more muscle and be healthy...
  13. Bobby Cole

    Excessive exercise can wear you down and your appetite as well

    Normally I watch really close to how my body reacts to training and whether or not I might be overtraining. There’s actually no physical or mental benefits to excessive exercise and as a matter of fact, I have found it to be somewhat harmful or a “step backward” to be more precise. Now, as to...
  14. Bobby Cole

    What do you drink or take after training?

    Other than being thirsty, there are only one or two people who have explained “Why” they chose the method of rehydration that they enjoy. To me, when we answer the MOST important questions of WHY we do such-and-such when we physically strain to achieve better health, then is when we actually...
  15. Bobby Cole

    68 year old bodybuilder with an open mind

    Like I wrote in the title, I am a 68 years old bodybuilder and whilst I do not (at this time) practice the OMAD technique, I have an open mind about it. For a bodybuilder, studies and research regarding a healthy diet seem to change almost on a daily basis. One study urges 6 or even 8 meals a...