24 hour fasts on OMAD?

Hi everyone! Is it okay to do multiple 24 hr fasts on omad? For exampl, stop eating at 1:00pm, eat next day at 1:00pm-finish eating at 1:30pm; eat next day at 1:30pm-and so on.

Is that how it goes? Or it eat everyday at 1:00pm even if I stop eating at 1:30pm?

Well for me I set out on the same day daily so that in no distance time my body should be used to it and all the effects that I experience in the first few days that weren't too pleasant could be overcome in no time and sticking to the routine will be very easy.
I mean I don't really see how there would be much of a problem with doing things this way, since you're still sticking to the concept of only eating once a day. The only potential issue I'd find is that if you're constantly pushing your meals forward that way, your body might not really know when to expect food so your metabolism might go a bit off.

The fact is that our body likes routine. It likes to know when it can expect what, especially things like food and sleep. I personally would recommend just sticking to one, constant allotted time period for your meals.
I prefer eating in the evening at around 6.00pm. I have always done that and my body is now used to it. This fits in with my day, because during the day I'm very busy, I therefore don't really think that much about food. I have a coffee and am good to go for the day. At six when I get home, I eat. Sometimes its even later.This has worked for me so far. I couldn't eat at lunch and then stay till dinner the next day, this would be way too weird for me.
Yes basically that's the way it goes, eating one meal a day, or once every 24 hours. When im doing OMAD I eat every 3-4 PM daily, it's the best time for me and it works well.
Yeah, you can even do intermittent fasting while on OMAD on some days to help in your process of losing weight. It all depends on your body and preferences, though.
Yes, this is actually okay because you're still sticking to the concept of OMAD. If your body is comfortable about that schedule then it's okay. Most people have different eating schedules for OMAD and it falls everytime on personal preference and comfortability.
I think the general rule is just eating at roughly around the same time everyday within an hour so you'd pretty much have 23 hour fasts in between meals. I guess you could add an hour to that each day but I think it would be difficult since you'd have much more to keep up with and also having to change schedules each day might just make it too complicated. I think doing this type of diet is meant to be simple and it's often recommended not to overthink small details.
For me my goal is to go at least 20 hrs in between meals. Sometimes I eat right at the 20hr mark sometimes I'll push it all the way to 26hrs. My best results on OMAD have worked doing it this way.
I think if your mind and body already program to eat at the same time everyday, You'll not going to notice the simple adjustment. Your mind automatically asks food at the same time, but I think there's nothing wrong about the little adjustments on the time.